Covid-19: what we need to know

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Last update: 2023-05-18 UTC

Websites: 13 
FrenchCovid-19 - Etude rétrospective chez 88 sujets avec 3 approches thérapeutiques différentes [37 p.] [download]treatments
EnglishAzithromycin and Hydroxychloroquine Accelerate Recovery of Outpatients with Mild/Moderate COVID-19 [11 p.] [download]treatments
EnglishMandeep R Mehra, Sapan S Desai, Frank Ruschitzka, Amit N Patel - Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis [12 p.] [download]treatments
EnglishThe cardiotoxicity of antimalarials - WHO Evidence Review Group Meeting, 13–14 October 2016 [49 p.] [download]treatments
SpanishProyecto de ley que faculta el uso del dioxido de cloro saturado en agua a dosis adecuadas para el consumo humano como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de al Covid-19 [8 p.] [download]treatments