Covid-19: what we need to know

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Last update: 2023-02-04 UTC

Extra: 29  Documentaries: 20  Books: 15  Documents: 67 
TitleDescriptionTags [ok] Sources et ressources sur l'épidémie de Covid-19masks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
FrenchReinfo Covid [unknown] Le Collectif Reinfo Covid - Un éclairage différent et nécessairemasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2 [ok] transparence-coronavirus.bemasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
EnglishWorld Doctors Alliance [ok] An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.masks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
EnglishAmerica's frontline doctors [ok] America's frontline doctorsmasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
FrenchVérité Covid19 [ok] Vérité Covid19vaccines sars-cov-2 globalAgenda
FrenchInitiative Citoyenne [ok] Information indépendante sur les vaccins et le pluralisme thérapeutiquevaccines
FrenchNicole Delepine [ok] Nicole Delepinemasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
FrenchLNPLV [unknown] Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté des Vaccinationsvaccines
EnglishEuropean Forum for Vaccine Vigilance [ok] European Forum for Vaccine Vigilancevaccines
SpanishLa liga para la libertad de vacunación [unknown] La liga para la libertad de vacunaciónvaccines [ok] is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world.vaccines
EnglishCovid Vaccine Victims [unknown] Covid Vaccine Victimsvaccines
FrenchRecherches Covid-19 [ko] Recherches Covid-19masks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
EnglishCOVID-19 Projections [ok] COVID-19 Projectionsmasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
Italian-French-EnglishCorvelva [ok] Associazione Corvelvavaccines
EnglishDoctors4CovidEthics [ok] Doctors for Covid Ethicsmasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2
EnglishThereisnopandemic [ok] There Is No Pandemic and they are not "vaccines"globalAgenda vaccines
FrenchSûreté vaccins [ok] Sûreté Vaccinsvaccines [ok] Covid: faits et chiffresmasks tests treatments vaccines sars-cov-2 [ok] The Testimonies projectvaccines
EnglishHow Bad is My Batch ? [ok] Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccinesvaccines
Frencheffets-secondaires-vaccins-covid [unknown] Effets secondaires vaccins Covid-19vaccines