Covid-19: what we need to know

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Last update: 2023-06-11 UTC

Extra: 1  Websites: 1  Books: 1  Documents: 3 
EnglishSound of freedom"Sound of Freedom" is an inspiring story based on true events that sheds light on the grim reality of child sex trafficking. It is the true story of a man who risks everything to bring a ray of light and hope to the most hidden corners of our world, seeking to save children chained in the dark. It is not just a movie, "Sound of Freedom" is a cinematic experience that will be part of a global movement, destined to end the trafficking of minors.humanTraffick
FrenchZandvoort, le fichier de la honte Preuve irréfutable d'un trafic épouvantable de photos et de vidéos d'enfants violés, martyrisés.humanTraffick
EnglishI am all girls A special crimes investigator forms an unlikely bond with a serial killer to bring down a global child sex trafficking syndicate.humanTraffick
EnglishContralandA shocking documentary about child sex trafficking in AmericahumanTraffick